Arok Garang, Founder, Seeds of South Sudan
Arok Garang’s Story (In His Own Words)
My family herded cattle peacefully in South Sudan. In 1989, when oil was discovered on our land, the Arab Muslim militia from Khartoum declared jihad against southern Christians and traditional believers.
The Janjaweed set fire to our village. At age seven I was orphaned and running for my life, one of the Lost Boys of Sudan.
There were no adults to protect us, but I’ve always felt God’s presence. I heard him whisper to my heart, “Arok, someday you will return to rebuild your village.”
Journey of the Lost Boys Across Africa
We Lost Boys walked 1,000 miles to Ethiopia with no shoes, clothes, water or food. Many died from starvation, thirst, or wild animal attacks. Two thousand drowned crossing the Gilo River. Others were shot by Arab militia or forced to become soldiers and kill our own people. Today, 35,000 are still enslaved.
After 18 months in a refugee camp, we were driven out at gunpoint. Many died recrossing the Gilo River during the height of the rainy season. It took us a year to walk to the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, a brutally hot and dangerous place. I spent the next nine years at Kakuma. Today, more than 100,000 Sudanese refugees still live there with little food, water, or hope.
Coming to the US
I arrived in the United States in 2001 with the help of the United Nations. Then, I earned a degree in Economics at the University of Colorado at Denver.
Throughout the years, I’ve heard God calling me to rebuild my village by educating, equipping, and empowering the South Sudanese children who survived the genocide.
Today, Seeds of South Sudan has educated many students through the hard work, generosity, and prayers of our donors and sponsors. Please join us by signing up for our newsletter and becoming a donor.