Home Base at Nakuru
The Seeds of South Sudan Home Base in Nakuru, Kenya is the safe haven where the children live when school in not in session; usually April, August, and December. The compound provides a healthy, loving and family-oriented environment where the children are sheltered and fed and medical care is provided if needed. Also, social and academic success is encouraged.
The Seeds Home Base was purchased with the help of generous donors, so the students have a permanent home in Kenya when they are on school breaks.
Since the purchase, the Home Base maintenance fund has helped upgrade this large family home to have adequate water pressure and sewer capacity for a non-profit with more than 100 people there during the holidays. We maintain the Home Base fund for ongoing maintenance.
We also have an Advanced Education Fund to pay for vocational school and university education for our many high school graduates to continue their education so they can be “seeds of a future, peaceful South Sudan.”
You can help us support the education of these bright, caring children here