Our Staff in Kenya
In Nakuru, Kenya, Seeds of South Sudan has four in-country staff who run Home Base, cook for the extended Seeds of South Sudan family and visit each of the 80+ students and their teachers at school. They receive modest stipends for their work. Three college students receive stipends to communicate university schedules to Seeds staff to coordinate travel and housing. They arrange friendly games among the students on school breaks, oversee the lending of library books and games to the students. The college students also tutor high school and primary students who need help in particular subjects.
Peter Deng Kuany
Deng Kuany enrolls all students at approved boarding schools and pays all fees. He attends parent conferences, school meetings and academic counseling. He supervises the care of all students at Home Base. He provides leadership training and Bible studies in the morning and evening during school holidays. He tutors students who need help and settles disputes among the children, ensuring a peaceful atmosphere. He arranges transportation for the children from Home Base to their schools and accompanies girls on their trips between home and school. Deng sends report cards to Arok Garang, who sends them to their sponsors in the U.S.
Ayak Ayuel
Deputy Director
Ayak oversees the preparation of all meals for the students during school breaks. She oversees the care of all girls during breaks and identifies girls who need care for any illness. Ayak helps with personal and leadership development of the children. She ensures the privacy of information regarding students’ medical, personal, social and education needs. She nurtures and provides guidance to the girls as their mother.
Anool Kuol
Head Chef / Cook
Anool Kuol oversees the preparation of all meals for the children on school breaks. She helps identify and care for any ill children. Anool helps settle disputes among Seeds children. She helps the children with personal and leadership development. She is a widow who had two young children when she first jointed the Seeds program. Anool was very concerned about all the orphans in the refugee camp. Arok selected her to come to Nakuru because she was a person at risk and because of her care and concern for the orphans.